Sunday 11 September 2011

Transportation Survey

We recently conducted a survey, asking the general public questions about their use and knowledge of Sustainable Transport. Here's what we found:

The survey showed that most people did not use sustainable transport in order to get to school/work. Although it was possible for people to use public transport, walk, or bike, they chose not to because of a variety of reasons. Most agree that there were not enough programs promoting sustainable transport, and therefore 91% of people felt that the Department of Transport needs to do a better job to create programs to promote sustainable transport.

100% people that were surveyed said that their family owned a bicycle, and most said that their were secure facilities to store their bicycles. However although they owned bicycles no one surveyed used their bicycles in order to get to school/work, for many different reasons.

55% of people saw public transport as an inconvenience for reasons such as unreliability and no nearby bus stops

28% of people walked, took buses, and took trains to school/work. Majority of people stated that they drove to school/work.

28% of people were aware of programs that promoted sustainable transport. Showing the need for the Department of Transportation to create programs necessary to create more awareness.

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