Monday 12 September 2011

No Info from JCDecaux

Here is correspondence between myself and CityCycle when trying to find out some basic statistics about the program (ie. number of bikes in circulation, daily usage, etc.)

Hi there my name is Christen McGarry and I am a Education student currently studying at QUT.  I am doing an assignment on transport in Brisbane and was wondering if there was any way I could find out some detailed information on the Citycycle program, ie number of bikes in circulation, daily usage, etc.

Christen McGarry


Dear Christen,

Thank you for your enquiry.

The CityCycle System is a proprietary system owned and operated by JCDecaux on behalf of Brisbane City Council.

Unfortunately JCDecaux is unable to provide any information on the financial information relating to the systems infrastructure or its operation as this information is considered to be commercially sensitive.

We apologise that we unfortunately cannot assist you further with your enquiry, however we wish you all the best with your project.

Kind regards,

CityCycle Customer Support Team
1300 229 253

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