Tuesday 13 September 2011

Personal greenhouse impact calculator

The below link is a calculator that you can use to find out how much CO2 (carbon dioxide) emissions you release when travelling. The calculator is for travel by aircraft, train, tram, bus or vaious cars. You simply enter the distance you travelled (A) in kilomtres and the Emission rate (B) in kg of CO2/person km. This rate is obviously a bit tricky to figure out so there is a list of figures that you can put in, from private jet, emissions rate at 0.183; to trains or tram, emission rate 0.027; and various size cars with varying numbers of passengers, emission rates 0.3- 0.06.
I am lucky and live close to university so I can walk to class, and public transport so I often catch the bus and train to work, which is not very far from my home. I will figure out my emission rates for when I catch public transport and when I drive to work.
The distance from home to work is 4.9 kilometres. When I catch the bus I put the emission rate at .04. The resulting carbon dioxide produced when I catch the bus to work is 0.196 kg.
When I drive the same distance to work I am in the car by myself and I have a medium size car. The resulting carbon dioxide produced when I catch the bus to work is 1.47 kg.
A difference of 0.474 in such a short distance. These calculated figures show why it is so important to be mindful of our fuel consumption, it builds up quickly.
Use the calculator to calculate your emissions. Remember, if you walk or ride you don't produce any carbon dioxide. A very clean alternative. Our excursion on the city cycle produced zero carbon dioxide emissions!

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